Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Final Project Idea

I finally figured out what I want to do for my final project!
It involves touch based interaction, movement, and projection

Here are two projects that are basic variations on what I want to do:


Khronos Projection
(I absolutely love this one! I love how the aspect of time is also involved in this one!!!)

I was thinking of introducing a difference between these pieces and my piece by allowing the spandex to be able to be touched and deform accordingly, but I would also have the canvas moving itself. I could use some simple motors to create this motion but I am actually moving away from this thought now.

Actually now I am thinking of combining this with some of my thesis research ideas. I am very intrigued and involved with the creation of  systems to ease the interaction with a digital 3D world by using traditional clunky 2D interfaces and non-intuitive tools such as keyboard and mouse. I realize that this pushing into the fabric gives us access to a third dimension that I would love to leverage to the advantage of the creation of 3D animation and art. Therefore, I will create an interactive art piece (most likely based on some sort of physics simulation) that reacts/animates due to the user's input on this screen in 3 dimensions. Then later I can extend the piece to be an actual tool for interacting with 3D software such as Maya by allowing the creation of 3D curves and the placement of objects in 3D space.

What I will need:
  • A large piece of spandex
  • Kinect (or an IR sensor)
  • Projector
  • (Maybe: Arduino and motors)
(I will update this timeline as my ideas take a more solid form and the problem areas develop in the project. My main concern right now is figuring out the best way to get the fine grain control over sensing the position/placement of user's touch on the canvas in 3 dimensions)

  • Week 1:
    • Acquire Supplies
    • Generate basic installation setup (configure a stand for the fabric, figure out how to set up projector and Kinect)
    • Get the projector to communicate with my laptop
    •  Download Kinect software and get it running on laptop
  • Week 2:
    • Learn the basics of interacting with the Kinect
    • Get the Kinect to recognize motions of the fabric in 3 dimensions (If the interaction is not fine grain enough we will have to move to the IR sensor)
    • Finalize idea for projected images and interaction
  • Week 3:
    • Get basic Simulation(or projection interaction) working
  • Week 4:
    • Get everything that didn't go right the first time around working and work out bugs
  • Week 5:
    • Plan on finishing early because you won't really

Final Project Inspiration

In brainstorming for the final project, here are some concepts and pieces that I find interesting:

I really like the idea of giving objects or machines personalities. Terry Border does just this in a simple yet effective way with his sculptures.
household-items-come-alive-wildammo (4)

As I mentioned before I really love mechanical sculptures. The work of David C. Roy is probably my favorite of these kinetic sculptures. His are wound springs, but I could do something similar with Arduino motors. I have never done wood working though.

I love both of these pieces. They are so simple yet use motion to become memorizing.
I could definitely see myself creating a similar piece using pendulum motion to create an intriguing computer powered kinetic sculpture

I also love the work of Gideon Obarzaneks. I have been playing with the idea of using projection in my final project and I think even though he works with dancers and I would not be in this case, great inspiration can be drawn from the unique ways he uses projections with motion to evoke emotions

Project 3 - Motors

Sure people paint walls, but walls are still mostly a functional housing unit, but they could be so much more. By giving walls movement, they could become points of intrigue and interactive art pieces all on their own. These are the ideas that served as inspiration for my theoretical motors project

This is the hyposurface wall. A quote from their website states, "The Hyposurface allows participants to connect and interact with a massive, powerful force - its like controlling a waterfall." I love this idea of a sort of butterfly effect. One small touch has dramatic effects across something much larger.

This installation is called The Reef. I like this one for completely opposite reasons.  The movement here is gentle and quiet. It exudes a peacefulness that is a bit unexpected from a large wall, but I love the actual elicitation of emotion that I feel from this piece.

My proposed idea is a bit of a combination of both of these pieces. When I first thought of a moving wall I began to think of it as a living creature which led to me wanting it to breath. I then thought of the wall as the side of a giant, mystic creature like a dragon and thought of it as covered in scales. I found the following photograph extremely beautiful and think it would serve as a concept art for the look of the wall.

So the wall would be covered in these scales and each scale would have two motors and a pressure sensor attached to it. The entire wall would move in and out in a steady rhythm (with the middle moving more than the sides in a sort of parabolic surface shape - imagine the side of a dragon). In my mock up I have the servo motor controlling this motion since I can get a very steady rhythm with this motor. Then when the wall is touched the scale where the wall is touched and the surrounding scales ruffle out in a ripple effect. In my mock-up I have this motion controlled by the stepper motor.

Here is a diagram of my Arduino setup for this project:

And here is my code for this project:

#include <Stepper.h>
#include <Servo.h>
// change this to the number of steps on your motor
#define STEPS 48
Stepper myStepper(STEPS, 8, 9, 10, 11);
Servo myServo;  // create servo object

int pressPin = A7;
int press_val = 0;
int prev_press_val = 0;

int potpin = 0;  // analog pin used to connect the potentiometer
int pot_val = 0; // variable to read the value from the analog pin

void setup()
  // set the speed of the motor to 100 RPM
  myServo.attach(2);  // servo control signal sent out pin 9

void breath()
  boolean interrupt = false;
    for(int i=0; i<100; i++)
    for(int i=0; i<400; i++)
      press_val = analogRead(pressPin);
      if(press_val>50){interrupt = true;break;}
    for(int i=100; i>0; i--)
    for(int i=0; i<400; i++)
      press_val = analogRead(pressPin);
      if(press_val>50){interrupt = true;break;}
    //see if there was a change in the pressure value
    press_val = analogRead(pressPin);
    if(press_val>50){interrupt = true;}
void loop()


Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Project 2 Results

Here is a result video from my theoretical project described in the previous blog:

I left the inherent noise in the readings from the accelerometer to give the image more visual interest.
You can see the lines being drawn here change color as I squeeze the pressure sensor and the lines move around the screen as I tilt the accelerometer.

Some suggestions from class that would be nice to add to this are that in order to incorporate time into the generated piece I could have the color palette shift from cool to warm as the day progresses so that the older lines will push back into the page and the newer,warmer lines will come forward. Also playing with the thickness of the line being drawn would be more interesting. However, this was just a theoretical project. I would have to actually make a wearable device and try it over the course of an entire day to see if it generated something that I was happy with.

Here is a schematic of my Arduino board setup:

Here is my code for this project:

This is the Arduino file:

int R = 14;
int G = 16;
int B = 15;

int X = A8;
int Y = A9;
int Z = A10;

int x_val = 0;
int y_val = 0;
int z_val = 0;

int prev_x = 0;
int prev_y = 0;
//int base_z = 798;

int r_val = 0;
int g_val = 0;
int b_val = 0;
 int inc_val = 5;
 int r_inc = inc_val;
 int g_inc = 0;
 int b_inc = 0;

int pressPin = A12;
int press_val = 0;
int prev_press_val = 0;

int r = 0;
int g = 0;
int t = 0;

/* 5V input
int base_x = 518;
int base_y = 515;
int base_z = 798;

//3.3 Volt
int base_x = 365;
int base_y = 335;
int base_z = 492;

int scale = 100;

String send_to_serial = "";

const int ledPin[10] =  {
  4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13};      // the number of the LED pins
int ledState = 0;

void setup()


  // initialize the digital pin as an output.
  pinMode(R, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(G, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(B, OUTPUT);

   // set the digital pin as output:
  for(int i = 0; i < 10 ;i++){
    pinMode(ledPin[i], OUTPUT);

void loop()
  send_to_serial = "";
  //might not get anything from tilt in this case...
  //read the accelerometer and subtract off base/rest value
  x_val = analogRead(X) - base_x;
  y_val = analogRead(Y) - base_y;
  z_val = analogRead(Z) - base_z;
  //take the difference between the last time and this time
  int delta_x = x_val - prev_x;
  int delta_y = y_val - prev_y;
 //If the pressure sensor is squeezed change the color
 press_val = analogRead(pressPin);

 //calculate the current color
    //increment the color
    if((r_inc==inc_val && r_val>=255) || (r_inc==-inc_val && r_val<=0))
         if(b_val>=255){ b_inc=-inc_val;}
         else{g_inc=inc_val; b_inc = 0;}
    if((g_inc==inc_val && g_val>=255) || (g_inc==-inc_val && g_val<=0))
        else {b_inc = inc_val;r_inc=0;}
      if((b_inc==inc_val && b_val>=255) || (b_inc==-inc_val && b_val==0))
         else{ r_inc=inc_val;g_inc=0;}

 //Send the information to Processing using the Serial Port
 send_to_serial.concat(' ');
 send_to_serial.concat(' ');
 send_to_serial.concat(' ');
 send_to_serial.concat(' ');
 send_to_serial.concat(' ');

 int press_led = map(press_val,0,200,0,10);
 for(int i=0; i<10; i++)
// Serial.print(press_led); Serial.print(" "); Serial.println(press_val);

 //This is actually how Processing gets the values
 delay(100); //small delay to let buffer settle and slow down draw

 //show what color is currently being drawn through the first LED

 //reset the prev values for next loop
 prev_x = x_val;
 prev_y = y_val;
 prev_press_val = press_val;

This is the Processing file:

import processing.serial.*;

 Serial myPort;        // The serial port
 int xPos = 1;         // horizontal position on screen
 int yPos = 1;         // vertical position on screen

 int w = 400;
 int h = 300;

 float prev_x = random(width);
 float prev_y = random(height);

 void setup () {
 // set the window size:
 size(400, 300);      

 // List all the available serial ports
  myPort = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[0], 9600);
   // don't generate a serialEvent() unless you get a newline character:
   // set inital background:

 void draw () {
 // everything happens in the serialEvent()

 void serialEvent (Serial myPort) {
   // get the ASCII string:
   //We get a line that contains x y z r g b
   String inString = myPort.readStringUntil('\n');
   if (inString != null) {
       // trim off any whitespace:
       inString = trim(inString);
       String[] list = split(inString, ' ');
       int x,y,z,r,g,b;
       // convert to ints
         x = int(list[0]);
         y = int(list[1]);
         z = int(list[2]);
         r = int(list[3]);
         g = int(list[4]);
         b = int(list[5]);
         //info incorrect so skip this one
       stroke(r,g,b); //we will set this color using the pressure
       x = int(map(x, -180,180,0,width));
       y = int(map(y, -180,180,0,height));
       line(prev_x, prev_y, x, y);
       //arc(random(width), random(height) , width, height, roll, pitch);
       prev_x = x;
       prev_y = y;
