We were once again supposed to create a theoretical art piece and build a mock-up of it with our Arduinos.
We were supposed to use 2 sensor inputs and 2 LED outputs and Serial communication.
I wanted to use Processing this time around (Since Processing communicates with the Arduino via Serial I am counting this as my use of Serial communication.). For this project, I found myself very inspired by the following computer generated art pieces. I love the sense of chaos and yet rhythm that they have.
At the same time I thought about how I never seem to make enough time to explore my creative ideas. I am usually too wrapped up in the things that I have to do for school or work to spend much time on the grandiose ideas of my mind. So I have started daily challenging myself with this question (and I encourage you to do the same): "What have you created today?"
So I decided to make a system that would take the natural rhythm of daily activity and express it in a generative art piece so that at the end of the day you could have automatically created a piece of art for the day. It uses an accelerometer to track your motion(maybe you would wear it on your foot or just your shirt) and a pressure sensor (maybe to detect touch or steps). My Processing program uses the accelerometer data as an (x,y) coordinate to determine where on the screen it should draw and the pressure sensor data changes the color
(Code and Video will be in next blog post)
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